All those status updates, advertising and blogs definitely brought in the Mother's Day spirit to our living room. Adhya kept announcing that she will get me a card, tulips and everything that caught her eye in the TV advertisements. I am a sucker for anything handmade, so I actually look forward(shamelessly!) to my card from my almost 5 year old.
Somehow when I knew I was pregnant, I took it upon me that I should know everything there is to know about raising a child. It seemed like a revered and most prestigious post and I didn't want to make any mistakes. So there I was, reading, searching, analysing anything that had the word 'baby' in it. And the people around me must have been so amused by my activities that they just played along :)
But the moment I laid my eyes on her, I realized that what I knew or thought I knew was not going to be adequate. I couldn't make her stop crying immediately and I definitely had no clue as to why she cried. All I needed was my mother. And she has always been there for me. It does make her happy when I wish her on Mother's day so I am going to continue doing that.
And as for my dreams of a dignified, prestigious post, I should thank my daughter for bringing me back to reality. Being a mother may look like a top notch position that magically provides solution to all problems but that is only remotely possible if we keep learning! Especially from our own kids.
I have many wonderful friends. And I know that if I am at a fork, they will help me out with their motherly been-there-done-that wisdom. And they are too tired on a day to day basis, juggling things around that a Mother's day would be a good excuse for them to have fun. So, why not?
I love when my grandmother carefully packs vegetables for her daughters whenever she visits, my aunt who can go shopping for me, my husband's mom when she dishes out all his favorite food within our two week stay, when a friend calls me just because she felt like, when my mom leaves out a specific ingredient when she tells me a recipe because she is sure I will not like the taste of it, when someone shares a lovely thing that their kid does or looking at the extra sweet I love you mom cramped in a greeting card, any greeting card.
I did get my share of card, tulips, chocolates, hugs and kisses this Mother's day:) I was happy and feeling so proud about it when what happened today morning left me speechless - just before leaving to office, 'Bye appa', 'Bye Adhya, be a good girl today'. And immediately came the reply, 'Why? Today is not Mother's day!'.
And yes, if she has decided that she is going to be extra sweet on only day, I need mother's day every year :)